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Resep Sambal Bawang pedas enak gampang

June 13, 2019 Admin 0 Comments

Resep Sambal Bawang pedas enak gampang, cara membuat sambal bawang pedas enak, memasak sambal bawang pedas enak, how to make spicy indonesian sambal, cara memasak sambal bawang pedas dan enak, sambal bawang recipe.

Resep Sambal Bawang Pedas dan gampang

Bahan - Bahan :

10 siung bawang merah, potong kasar

4 siung bawang putih, potong kasar

15 siung cabe rawit ( boleh dikurangi/ditambah sesuai selera pedasnya)

6 siung cabe merah ( boleh dikurangi/ditambah sesuai selera pedasnya)

1/2 sendok makan garam

1/2 sendok makan gula

1/s sendok makan penyedap rasa ( optional, kalo suka)

jeruk nipis ( optional kalo suka)

cara membuatnya :

1. potong2 kasar bawang merah, bawang putih, cabe rawit dan cabe merah lalu goreng sampe layu dan harum 2. setelah layu dan harum, lalu tuang bahan2nya ke ulekan, gerus dan tambahkan gula, garam, penyedap rasa dan cicipi. setelah rasanya pas, langsung sajikan.

3untuk yang pake blender, setelah bumbu digoreng lalu masukan semua bahan ke blender dan kasih gula , garam, penyedap rasa secukupnya lalu blender sampe halus dan cicipi, setelah rasanya pas, sajikan dengan irisan jeruk nipis kalo suka.

selamat mencoba dan semoga bermanfaat




10 Shallots

4 garlic cloves

15 birds eye chilli ( add or reduce according to your taste)

6 red chillies ( add or reduce according to your taste)

1/2 tablespoon salt

1/2 tablespoon sugar

1/2 tablespoon seasoning powder ( optional )

lime to taste ( optional, leave out if you dont like it)

How To Make it:

1. roughly chopped shallots, garlic, red chillies and birds eye chillies then fry it with 4 tablespoon of cooking oil and cook until soft.

2. Then transfer all ingredients into the pestle & mortar and grind to a rough chunky paste ( or if you prefer smooth paste you can do that too ). Add in pinch or salt and sugar and add in ( optional ) seasoning powder then mix it all up and give it a taste, see if you need to add in more salt or sugar, add more if needed adjusting to your taste. then serve

If you use blender, after you fry all the ingredients until soft, then transfer it to blender or food processor and blend it for few second and keep checking the consistency, usually this type of sambal is more rough chuncky sambal, but if you prefer smooth paste texture, then keep blend until you get the texture you desire. add in pinch or salt and sugar and also ( optional ) seasoning powder and give it a taste, see if you need to add more salt or sugar, add it if needed, adjust to your taste and transfer to a serving bowl/plate and serve.
