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Resep Semur Daging Sapi Enak dan Empuk ( Indonesian Braised Beef )

May 15, 2019 Admin 0 Comments

kalo dari sejarahnya , kata semur ini berasal dari bahasa belanda yaitu "smoren"yang berarti masakan yang dimasak dalam waktu yang lama ( braised/stew). Untuk masakan semur bisa dengan daging sapi, daging kambing, daging ayam bahkan bisa untuk telor, tempe dan tahu dan lain2nya.
yuk kita lihat bahan semur

Resep semur daging sapi enak 
Bahan - Bahan:
600 gr Daging sapi
1/2 sendok teh pala bubuk
1 sendok teh merica bubuk/lada putih bubuk
1 sendok teh bubuk kaldu/penyedap rasa bubuk
5 sendok makan kecap manis
1 buah tomat, potong-potong
1 batang kayu manis
3 butir Cengkih
3 batang daun salam
garam secukupnya sesuai selera
gula merah secukupnya atau sesuai selera asin manisnya
minyak secukupnya untuk menumis bumbu
air secukupnya untuk memasak

Bumbu halus:
7 siung Bawang putih
8 siung Bawang merah
2 cm Jahe
2 cm lengkuas
6 butir Kemiri

Cara Membuatnya :
1. Pertama kita buat bumbu halusnya, boleh pake blender, boleh digerus atau pake food processor, apa aja yang penting halus yah
2. lalu kita buat marinasinya, kita tuang bumbu halusnya yang kita bikin tadi ke daging sapinya, lalu kita masukan juga merica/lada putih bubuk,  penyedap rasa/bubuk kaldu, pala bubuk, garam, dan kecap manisnya, dan kita aduk2 sampe semuanya merata lalu kita tutup dan marinasi selama 30 menit.
3. setelah 30 menit lalu kita mulai masak, panaskan wajan, kasi minyak sedikit lalu masukan, cengkeh, kayu manis, dan daun salam, lalu aduk2 sampai tercium bau harum lalu masukan ayam yang sudah kita marinasi tadi dan masukan juga tomat dan aduk2 sampe merata lalu tutup dan biarkan masak pake api kecil/sedang sampe airnya menyusut.
4. setelah airnya menyusut lalu kita masukan lagi air secukupnya, boleh pake air boleh pake air kaldu, tuang air secukupnya, karena ini mau dimasak sampe dagingnya lunak, kalo pas masak airnya menyusut tinggal di refil lagi dan lanjutkan masak dagingnya sampai empuk dan lunak.
5. setelah dagingnya lunak dan empuk, lalu kita cicipi, kurang apa? adin? manis dan tambahi kekurangannya lalu matikan api, dan tuang ke wadah saji dan sajikan

Semur is a Southeast Asian type of meat stew (mainly beef), that is braised in thick brown gravy commonly found in Indonesian cuisine. If you google semur/smoor it comes from dutch languange means braise/stew. The words Semur is derived from the Dutch verb "smoren", which means "to braise food".
The main ingredient (meat) for semur is usually beef, but also many people cook semur with goat meat, chicken, or even eggs, tofu and tempeh and many more main ingredients.

Indonesian style Beef Stew Recipe
600 gr Beef
1/2 Teaspoon nutmeg
1 Teaspoon white pepper powder
1 Tablespoon seasoning powder
1/2 sendok teh pala bubuk
5 Tablespoon Indonesian Sweet Soy Sauce ( needs to be Indonesian sweet soy sauce, if you use fish sauce,Worcestershire sauce, oyster sauce or any other sauce it would taste different )
1 Tomato, cut in wedges
1 Cinnamon stick
3 Cloves
3 Bay Leaves
1 Tablespoon salt or to taste
1 palmsugar or to taste
cooking oil as needed
water as needed for cooking

Spices paste to grind:
7 garlic
8-9 shallots
2 cm Ginger
2 cm Galangal 
6 Candle nuts

How To Make it :

1. firstly we grind/blend the spices, add in garlic, shallots, ginger, galangal and candle nuts into the blender or food processor or pestle & mortar and grind/blend until smooth

2. Lets marinate the beef: to the beef we add in the spice paste that we made earlier, then add in nutmeg, salt, white pepper powder, seasoning powder, and Indonesian sweet soy sauce, then mix it all together until all ingredients are all combined.

3. after 30 minutes, lets start cooking the beef, in a pan, frying pan ( or whatever you use, whatever you have at home) add cooking oil then add in cloves, cinnamon stick, and bay leaves then fry it in low heat until fragrance(don't burn it, use low heat), then add in the marinated beef that we did earlier, then add in tomato slices and mix it all together and close the lid and let it simmer, on low heat until the liquid has reduced down, keep checking to prevent burning on the bottom, stir occasionally. 

4. after the water has reduced, then we add in enough water again, you can use water or beef stock/beef broth, up to you, add in enough water because we are going to cook this for about 1 to 2 hour or until the meat has tender, If while cooking the water has reduce down again, just refill it again with more water/broth and continue cooking until the beef is tender.
5. after the beef has tender, taste it, check if you need to add salt, to taste then when you satisfied with the taste, turn the stove off then pour into the serving bowl then serve.