Resep dan Cara Membuat CHICKEN KARAGE, ayam goreng ala Jepang
How To Make chicken Karage - Resep dan Cara membuat ayam goreng ala jepang, chicken karage
Cara Membuat Chicken Karage
Bahan - Bahan :
500gr paha ayam filet atau kalo mau pake dada ayam filet juga boleh, potong2 dadu
2 sdm( 6 bawang putih), cincang halus
1 ruas jahe, cincang halus
2 sdm kecap
2 sdm sake ( kalo ga ada sake pake mirin, kalo ga mau pake alkohol, boleh diganti sama sushi seasoning non alcohol)
1 sdm gula pasir, kalo mau lebih enak lagi, tambah 3-4 sdm gula pasir
1 cangkir ( 120gr) corn flour/tepung jagung dan sisanya extra untuk penepungan
minyak secukupnya untuk menggoreng ayamnya
Cara membuatnya :
1. potong2 filet paha/dada ayamnya
2. Cincang halus bawang putih dan jahenya lalu tuang ke potongan ayam nya
3. Tambahkan gula, kecap dan sake( atau sushi seasoning kalo yang ga pake sake)
4. aduk2 ayam dan bumbunya sampe merata
5 tutupi dan biarkan marinasi di lemari es sekitar 30 menit sampe 1 hour atau kalo mau dibiarkan semalaman juga boleh
6. setelah 1 jam, keluakan dari lemari es, lalu tuang 1 cangkir( 1 cup/120gr) corn flour/ tepung jagung ke marinasi ayam tadi, lalu aduk2
7. guling ayamnya di tepung jagung lalu goreng sampe matang
How To Make Chicken Karage
Ingredients :
500g chicken thigh fillets, cut into 3cm pieces
2 Tbsp or 6 cloves garlic, finely minced
1 cm ginger, finely grated or minced
2 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons sake
1 tablespoon sugar
1 cup ( 120gr) corn flour
extra corn flour for dusting
oil for frying
How To make it :
1. Cut chicken thigh fillet or if you want to use chicken breast, cut it into 3 cm pieces
2. finely mince or grated ginger and garlic, add it in the chicken pieces
3.add in 2 tbsp soy sauce, add in 2 tbsp sak, eadd in 1 tbsp sugar and mix it thoroughly
4. Cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge for 30 min -1 hour to marinate
5. take out from fridge add 1 cup ( 120 gr ) corn flour and mix it lightly
6. Place extra cornflour on a plate/bowl, Add the chicken and toss to coat, shake off any excess
7. fry until golden brown
3.add in 2 tbsp soy sauce, add in 2 tbsp sak, eadd in 1 tbsp sugar and mix it thoroughly
4. Cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge for 30 min -1 hour to marinate
5. take out from fridge add 1 cup ( 120 gr ) corn flour and mix it lightly
6. Place extra cornflour on a plate/bowl, Add the chicken and toss to coat, shake off any excess
7. fry until golden brown