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Cara Membuat GADO GADO Komplit Lengkap, Recipe Demonstration Step By Step Guide : How To Make GADO GADO ( ENG sub)

February 02, 2019 Admin 0 Comments

How To Make Indonesian Style Salad, Steam veggies with peanut sauce -  Resep dan Cara Membuat Gado- Gado lezat

Resep Gado Gado - How To Make Gado Gado
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Untuk Melihat Video Cara Membuatnya Klik disini :

Bahan - bahan :
(untuk 2-3 orang)
1 ikat kacang panjang
125 gr taoge
1 ikat kangkung
1/4 kol putih
1 buah mentimun
3 buah kentang
1 buah tahu
1 buah tempe ukuran sedang
2 telor ayam
1 buah pare
1 buah wortel
Bahan Tambahan :
Bawang goreng
kerupuk udang

Bumbu/Kuah Gado-gado:
cabe merah & cabe rawit
(sesuai selera pedasnya)
1/2 bungkus kecil terasi bakar
4 buah bawang putih
2 sdt garam
1/2 sdt kencur ( boleh ga dipakai kalo ga suka )
150 gr kacang tanah
1/2 sdm gula merah
1 sdm air asam jawa
1 sdt air jeruk nipis

1 gelas air


  1. Siapkan bahan2 yang dibutuhkan, lalu cuci, kupas dan potong2 sayurannya.
  2. Kukus atau rebus bahan bahan ( aku kukus bahan yang keras seperti kentang, wortel, kacang panjang, telur, kol, aku juga kukus cabenya yang nantinya untuk membuat bumbu, kalo terasinya mau dikukus juga boleh atau dibakar atau digoreng juga boleh sesuai selera yah), setelah matang, susun rapih di piring saji.
  3. aku sukanya mentimun segar, kalo temen2 suka yang dikukus boleh juga, sesuai selera yah.
  4. Potong - potong tempe dan tahunya sesuai selera mau kecil kecil ataupun mau potongan agak besar terserah yah sesukanya lalu goreng tempe dan tahunya sampai matang dan setelah matang taruh di piring saji, susun rapih
  5. Goreng Kacang tanahnya sampai matang, sisihkan dulu ini nantinya untuk membuat bumbu kacang yah
  6. Iris2 kangkungnya sesuai selera lalu rebus sebentar ( blanching) , jangan kelamaan yah, nanti warnanya pudar, daunnya mudah hancur lebur dan warnanya nanti ngak segar lagi ngak hijau.
  7. Rendam taogenya di air panas, diamkan , kalau mau tutupi pake piring biar uap panasnya ngak keluar
  8. Siapkan bumbu untuk saos kacangnya, mau pake blender boleh mau digerus boleh, yang gampang yang mana terserah yah silahkan dihaluskan bumbu kacangnya lalu tunis pake minyak sedikit, tumis sampe harum, kasi air secukupnya, aduk2 sampe merata. lalu tuang bumbu kacang di mangkok saji.
  9.  Gado gadonya siap disajikan. Saran penyajian; di piring masukan taoge, timun, pare, wortel, tahu, tempe, kentang, telur, kacang panjang, kangkung, lalu tuang bumbu kacangnya dan kasi bawang goreng dan kerupuk
  10. Gado gado siap dimakan, selamat mencoba yah.

To See the Video on How To Make it Click Here:

Ingredients :
(For 2-3 people)
1 bunch of long beans ( string bean)
125 gram bean sprouts
1 bunch water spinach
1/4 cabbage
1 cucumber
2 potatoes
1 tofu
1 tempeh ( medium size)
2 Eggs
1 bitter melon
1 carrot
Additional ingredients (Gado - Gado):
Fried Shallots
Prawn Crackers

Peanut sauce :
150g peanuts
2 red Chilli & few birds eye chilli
( you can add or put less chilli according to your taste )
4 garlic cloves
1/2 small package Belacan or shrimp paste
2 Tbsp palm sugar
1/2 Tsp Tamarind paste
1 Tsp Lime Juice
2 Tsp salt
1 glass of water

How To Make It :

Prepare all the ingredients and peel and chop them according to how you like it. Slice all your vegetables into whatever size and shape you desire.

Steam or boil hard ingredients such as potatoes, carrot, cabbage, string beans, you can also add eggs and chilies, you can steam the shrimp paste or boil it or grill it or leave it as it is up to you. when the the steam vegetables done take it out and put it in the serving plate. I like my cucumber fresh but if you choose to have it steamed or boiled, is up to you.
Chop the tempeh and tofu into whatever size and shape you desire, then fry it until golden brown then put it in serving plates along with the steamed vegetables

Fry the peanuts until done then set it aside, we are going to use this peanut as our base for the peanut sauce. 

Bring a large pot of water to a rolling boil. Add the spinach stems first and then push the leaves down to submerge them in the water. Blanch until the stems are no longer rigid (about 40 seconds), don't over boil it for too long otherwise it will be too soft, easily broken into pieces

Soak beansprouts in hot boiling water,  leave it, set it aside, while were doing something else, if you want you can cover the bowl with plate so the steam stays inside

Now lets make the peanut sauce, for this you can use blender or you can use pestle mortar . put garlic, chilies, shrimp paste, salt, tamarind paste, lime juice, kencur, and peanuts and grind it or blend it until smooth, then heat 2 tbsp oil in frying pan then put the peanut sauce into the pan then stir it, add 1 glass of water and then stir it thoroughly then pour it into serving bowl.

Gado Gado is now ready to be served. Serving suggestion : in a bowl put bean sprouts, bitter melon, cucumber, fried tofu, fried tempeh, sliced eggs, potatoes, carrots, string beans,water spinach and drizzle peanut sauce all over it and sprinkle it with some fried shallots and some crackers.