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Es Krim,

Cara membuat dan Resep Es Krim Mangga dengan 3 bahan. Easy and Fast Mango Ice Cream Recipe with three ingredients only.

May 01, 2019 Admin 0 Comments

Cara membuat dan Resep Es Krim Mangga dengan 3 bahan. Easy and Fast Mango Ice Cream Recipe with three ingredients only.

Resep Es Krim Mangga cuma 3 bahan aja
Bahan - bahan :
500 ml Mangga halus
150 ml susu kental manis

250 ml whipped cream– heavy cream

cara membuatnya:
1. kupas dan blender mangganya sampa mendapatkan 500ml mangga halus, lalu sisihkan dulu sementara
2. buat whipped creamnya ke mixing bowl dan mixer sampe kaku lalu tuang mangga halusnya
3. pake takaran, 150 ml susu kental manis , lalu tuang ke bahan2 tadi
4. aduk2 semua bahan sampe tercampur merata lalu tuang ke wadah kedap udara dan masukan ke freezer selama 2 jam atau sampe beku. Setelah beku lalu sajikan es krimnya
Enjoy !


Mango Ice Cream Recipe 3 Ingredients
Ingredients :
500 ml Mango Puree
150 ml Sweetened Condensed Milk

250 ml whipped cream– heavy cream

How to Make it :
1. peel the mango then blender or use food processor to make it smooth
2. pour in 250 ml heavy cream/whipped cream, whisk on high speed until medium to stiff peaks form. then add in the mango puree to the whipped cream
3. measure 150 ml Sweetened Condensed Milk then add in to the rest of the ingredients
4. mix it all the ingredients until all ingredients are all combined then pour into airtight container then put in the freezer for about 2 hours or until frozen then serve


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