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Resep dan cara membuat peanut butter cookies, How to make peanut butter cookies

March 28, 2019 Admin 0 Comments

Resep Peanut Butter Cookies

bahan- bahan:
125 gram mentega
165 gr brown sugar
70 gr peanut butter
1 telur
225 gr tepung terigu
1/2 sendok teh baking soda

70 gram kacang goreng/panggang

Cara membuatnya:
1. pre heat ovennya dulu di suhu 180 C / 350 F  dan lapisi loyangnya dengan baking paper.
2. di wadah, kita masukan mentega dan brown sugar lalu mixer sebentar cuma  sampe tercampur rata lalu masukan peanut butter sama telor dan mixer lagi sampe trcampur merata, do not overmix
3. masukan ayakan tepung terigu sama baking soda lalu aduk2 sampe semua adonan tercampur merata lalu adonan siap dibentuk
4. cara membentuknya terserah kreatifitas masing2 yah, mau dibentuk bulat2  terus dipenyet sama garpu boleh, kalo mau pake cookie cutter juga boleh, pake rolling pin, adonan di pipihkan dan pake cookie cutter, potong2 dan susun di loyang yang dilapisi kertas baking paper tadi
5. kita panggang cookienya selama 12- 15 menit lalu angkat dan biarkan sampe dingin dulu lalu siap disajika
enjoy !

How To Make Peanut Butter Coookies
125 gr ( 4 ounces ) butter, softened
3/4 cup ( 165 gr ) brown sugar
1/4 cup ( 70 gr ) Peanut butter
1 egg
1 1/2 cups ( 225 gr ) plain/all purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cup ( 70 gr ) roasted peanut

1. preheat oven to 180 C /350 F, line trays with baking paper
2. beat butter and brown sugar in a bowl with electric mixer then add in peanut butter and egg, mix just until smooth and all combined, do not over mix.
3.then sift in flour and  baking soda and mix it all together
4. and now the fun part, how you gonna do this, many ways you can do it you can roll into small balls and flatten with fork or roll with rolling pin and use your cookie cutter and cut it into any shape you desire.
5. bake for about 12- 15 minutes then take out and leave it to cool before serving, you can also decorate the cookies however you desire.

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