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Cara Membuat KUKIS KACANG COKLAT - How To Make PEANUT Butter Balls (Buckeyes)

February 02, 2019 Admin 0 Comments

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Cara membuat kue kukis bola bola kacang Celup coklat:

Videonya disini :

BUCKEYES – PEANUT BUTTER BALLS DIPPED IN CHOCOLATE ~ Cara Membuat Kue Kukis Bola Bola Kacang Celup Coklat

Kue Bola Kacang Coklat ( PeanutButter Balls/Buckeyes) Bahan - Bahan : 2 cup Peanut butter 4 Sdm (57 gr) Mentega 1/4 sdt garam 1/2 sdt vanila 2 cup gula halus
Bahan Celupan Coklat : 1 bungkus coklat batang, potong2 1 sdm shortening , boleh pake mentega

Cara membuatnya :
1 campur semua bahan ke wadah, masukan mentega, vanila dan garam lalu aduk2 sampe merata lalu masukan gula halus sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk2 same merata sampe adonan bisa dibentuk bulat bulat dan gak lengket.

2. Setelah adonannya tercampur rata dan tidak lengket lagi, lalu guling2 bentuk adonan bulat- bulat. ukuran bola2nya sesual selera yah mau dibentuk bulat2 kecil atau bulat bulatan besar terserah selera masing masing yah ^.^ setelah semua adona dibentuk bulat2, lalu masukan di lemari es kurang lebih sekitar 30menit sampe bola2nya keras , biar nantinya gampang di celupkan ke coklat

3. sambil menunggu bola2nya mengeras, kita bikin coklatnya dulu. kita pakai teknik double boiler, kita masak air lalu setelah mendidih, matikan apinya, lalu taruh wadah di atas air lalu tuang coklat dan shortening /menteganya, lalu aduk2 sampe semuanya tercampur rata, lalu tuang di mangkok atau gelas atau wadah lainnya biar gampang nantinya untuk proses pencelupan kue bola2 kacangnya .

4. setelah 30menit, ambil kue bola2kacangnya dari lemari es dan lalu celupkan ke coklat satu persatu. biar gampang caranya pake tusuk gigi lalu celup ke coklat dan taruh di loyang yang sudah dilapisi kertas. kalo suka boleh silahkan dihiasi sesual kreatifitas masing masing, boleh ditaburi meses ceres atau ditaburi kacang atau coklat atau apapun sesual selera masing 2. lalu di simpan di lemari es biar tetap keras konsistensinya,

5. kue kukis bola bola kacang coklat sudah bisa langsung disajikan sebagain sajian untuk keluarga dan teman2 anda.

BUCKEYES – PEANUT BUTTER BALLS DIPPED IN CHOCOLATE ~ Cara Membuat Kue Kukis Bola Bola Kacang Celup Coklat

Ingredients : 2 cups peanut butter 57 grams butter 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 cups confectioners/powdered/icing sugar Chocolate coating : 1 package chocolate bars, chopped 1 tablespoon shortening

Step 1 : MIX mixing all the ingredients , pour in the melted butter in the bowl, then add in vanilla extract, then add a pinch of salt and mix it well. then add in confectioners sugar /icing sugar, bit by bit,and mix it thoroughly until it has the consistency of a stiff dough and you can roll it in your hands and doesn't stick.

STEP2 : ROLL after your dough has stiff consistency and it doesn't stick in your hands, you can starts rolling it into balls sizes. Roll the peanut butter mixture into quarter size balls. I make mine medium size each, but you can make yours into any shape or sizes you desire, or you can make the sizes smaller or bigger.
after we made all the peanut butter mixture into balls sizes, Place on the cookie sheets and refrigerate until firm. Put the peanut butter balls in the fridge to firm up for about 30 minutes to about an hour.we put the peanut butter balls in fridge for about 30mins or more to firm up so that would be easier to dip in the chocolate
while we waiting for the peanut butter balls to firm up, lets make the chocolate coating
we using double boiler technique Melt the chocolate and shortening in a heatproof bowl placed over a saucepan of simmering water. Mix it well until the chocolate is melted. Continue heating and stirring in 15 second intervals until the chocolate is melted and smooth, being careful not to scorch the chocolate.

STEP 3 : DIP Remove the peanut butter balls from the refrigerator and dip the balls, one at a time, in the melted chocolate Stick a toothpick into the peanut butter balls and dip into the chocolate, leaving a circle open on the top so that it resembles a buckeye. Let the excess chocolate drip back into the bowl.
Stick a toothpick into the peanut butter balls and dip into the chocolate, leaving a circle open on the top so that it resembles a buckeye. Let the excess chocolate drip back into the bowl.
or you can simply add decoration. sprinkle some Ceres or some crushed roasted peanut or decorate it however you desire
When all the balls have been dipped in the chocolate, place in the refrigerator until the chocolate has set. leave in the fridge for about 30mins to let it firm before serving it. Store in an airtight container after they firm , you can serve them. Store in a covered container in the refrigerator until ready to serve.