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Resep Smoothies Pisang Strawberry Enak ( Banana & Strawberry Smoothie)

May 24, 2019 Admin 0 Comments

Resep Smoothies Pisang Strawberry Enak, cara membuat smoothie strawberry dan pisang enak. How to make strawberry and banana smoothie.

Resep smoothie stroberi dan pisang

Bahan -Bahan :
250 gr stroberi ( boleh beku, boleh segar)
2 buah pisang ( boleh beku boleh pisang segar)
2 sendok makan madu ( bisa diganti dengan gula pasir, sirup gula, dll)
500 ml susu cair
es batu secukupnya kalo suka

Cara Membuatnya:
1. masukan stroberi, madu, pisang dan susu ke blender lalu blender sampe halus
2 siapkan gelas saji, boleh dikasi es batu atau tanpa es batu terserah selera, tuang dan sajikan


Strawberry and banana smoothie recipe
250 gr strawberries ( you can use frozen or fresh strawberries)
2 ripe banana
2 tablespoon honey ( you can replace honey with sugar, sugar syrup, icing sugar, etc, whatever sugar you like )
500 ml milk
ice cubes as needed ( i loveee ice cubes on everything ahaha, if you dont like it, leave it out )

how to make it:
1. in a blender, add in strawberries, honey, banana and milk and blend it till smooth
2. in a glass , add in ice cubes if you like then pour in smoothie and serve
